Live Blood Cell Analysis
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Live Blood Analysis involves taking a single living drop of blood from the finger-tip which is then placed under a powerful microscope. The image is displayed on a television monitor and is visible to both the practitioner and client.
The blood is also the medium for detoxification, delivering cellular waste to the liver and kidney for elimination from the body. By its very nature, blood can serve as a nutritional indicator, a predictor of health and illness before symptoms appear.
How to prepare For your Appointment
Fast For 5-6 hours prior to appointment
Drinking an adequate amount of water (2 - 3 glasses)
refrain from applying any cologne/perfum
Bring a snack to eat during the appointment after blood samples have been taken
What it can detect
pH level
Free radical damage
Nutritional imbalances including iron, B12, and Folic acid deficiency
Hormonal Imbalances
Condition of the immune system
Condition of the digestive system
metabolic byproducts including proteins, fats, and uric acid crystals
Poor circulation of blood and oxygenation of the blood
heavy metals and chemicals
overgrowth of microorganisms - bacteria, parasites, candida, yeasts, and fungi levels
Liver stress
Bowel Toxicity
To Book an appointment Please contact us.
Phone: 905 - 862 - 3270
For our hours of operation and Location